Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sexy summer abs workout


6:00 am- Four egg white omelet with mushroom and onion, grilled with balsamic
8:00 am-Two rice cakes with two tablespoons of hummus, sliced zucchini and grilled squash, and 1 scoop of chocolate protein
12:00 pm- Nutty maple banana baked oatmeal
3:30 pm- Four ounces of tilapia with toasted bulger salad and half cup of green beans
6:00 pm- One corn tortilla with 1/4c black beans, grilled onions, four-ounces of meat, dash of cilantro, lime, and salsa with a half cup of green beans
9:00 pm- 1 scoop of vanilla protein, 1/4 cup of yogurt with 5 blueberries, 15 peanuts


1/3 cup Old Fashioned Oats

  • 1/3 (30g) sliced Banana
1 tbs (10g) California Golden Raisins
1 tbs (10g) chopped Walnuts
1/2 cup Plain Non-fat Greek Yogurt

  • 1/2 cup Unsweetened Almond Milk

  • dash cinnamon
dash sea salt

  • 2 tbs Torani sugar free Salted Caramel syrup
1/2 tsp maple extract

  • 1/4 cup Egg Substitute

  • 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 cup water


Mix all above ingredients in an single-serve oven proof bowl with the exception of the Greek Yogurt.
Add 2 heaping tbs of the Greek Yogurt to the dish and mix well.

Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until top of oatmeal is firm to touch.
Sprinkle with additional cinnamon and serve with remaining yogurt.
Drizzle with almond milk and sf maple syrup if desired.

  • 1 1/2 cups coarse bulgur*
  • 2 3/4 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 cups fresh corn (cut from 4 to 6 ears)
  • 1 pint vine-ripened cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 3/4 cup chopped grilled onions
  • Dash of cilantro
  • 3 tablespoons red-wine vinegar, or to taste
In a large heavy dry skillet toast bulgur over moderately high heat, stirring occasionally, 5 to 10 minutes, or until it makes popping sounds and is browned lightly. Transfer bulgur to a bowl and cool.

In a saucepan bring water with salt to a boil and stir in toasted bulgur. Reduce heat and simmer bulgur, covered, about 20 minutes, or until water is absorbed. Remove pan from heat and let bulgur stand, covered, 10 minutes. Transfer bulgur to bowl and cool.

While bulgur is cooking, in skillet heat oil over moderate heat until hot but not smoking and cook corn and onions, stirring, 2 to 3 minutes, or until just tender. Cool corn and add to bulgur with tomatoes, vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste, tossing to combine. 
Serve salad at room temperature. 

Circuit with four exercises- complete 5 times
Completed in 15 min and 8 sec
  • Slide Under with Sandbag
    •  10 reps (50 reps total)
  • Sandbag Sit Up
    • 10 reps (50 reps total)
  • Rolling Knee Tuck & Push Up 
    • 5 reps (25 reps total)
  • Diagonal Knee Raises 
    • 10 reps (50 reps total)
Part two: 8 rounds of 5/25 sec interval
  • High Knees
    •  max. reps during each interval
  • Pendulum 
    • max. reps during each interval

This workout is made up of 2 parts. The first one is a circuit of 4 exercises that you will go through 5 times and as fast as possible. I did it in 13 minutes and 3 seconds. You guys can try to beat my time but don’t you ever sacrifice good form. Make sure to watch the video and check out the pictures below to make sure that you are doing all of the exercises right.
The second part of the workout is an interval training that takes only 4 minutes but you have to put all of your energy into this. It is important to remember that you can get all of the benefits out of short workout like this only if you push at your max and the workout feels super intense.
Slide Under with Sandbag – 10 reps (1 rep is towards one side)

Grab your Sandbag by the handles and bring it up on to your upper back. Imagine that you have to duck under an obstacle and for that you have to really bend over  pushing your hips back and keeping your back straight. You will be sliding under the imaginary obstacle from side to side. Beginners can do this exercise without the Sandbag.

Sandbag Sit Up – 10 reps

Lay down on your exercise mat and grab the Sandbag by it’s handles with your palms facing forward (see the grib on the pictures above). Keep your knees bend and your lower back pressed into the mat. Exhale, engage your abs, and with inhale roll your upper body forward and up into a seated position with the Sandbag above your head. Keep your arms extended at all times and shoulders away from your ears. Reverse the movement and roll back into the startig position. Beginners can do this exercise without the Sandbag.

Rolling Knee Tuck & Push Up – 5 reps

Place your shinbones up on the Balance ball and get into a plank. Your hands should be underneath your shoulders and arms extended. Keep your abs tight and your body in one straight line. Do not drop your hips. Roll the ball forward contracting your abs and bringing the knees towards your chest. Roll the ball back and do a push up. Beginners can skip the push up and focus on rolling the ball or just holding the plank for at least 20 seconds.

Diagonal Knee Raises – 10 reps total

Grab the handles of the Dip Station and move your extended legs to the right. Bring your knees up as high as you can and then extend both legs down and to the left. Each Time you bring your knees up counts as 1 rep. Make sure not to shrug your shoulders and to keep your abs tight.

Beginners can leave one foot on the ground, but don’t forget to switch sides after each rep.

4 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training

Set your Interval Timer for 8 rounds of 5 seconds and 25 seconds intervals. You will be doing 2 exercises back and forth and your goal is to do as many reps for each exercise during each 25 second interval. The 5 seconds is not long enough to write down your reps but count the for yourself anyways because it will help you to push harder in each round.  I did about 78 reps on average for High Knees and 48 for Pendulum. Remember that you really have to push yourself to the max because it should feel super hard. If it doesn’t than it means only one thing – you are not pushing at your max effort!
For those of you who don’t understand the intervals, it works like this:
5 seconds rest – High Knees – 5 seconds rest – Pendulum – 5 seconds rest – High Knees….etc until your timer tells you it’s over.

High Knees
This is basically running in place but you have to drive your knees as high as you can. Don’t bend over – keep your chest up and abs tight.

Get into the pike position with your hips pointing up towards the ceiling and your back straight. Extend your left leg out to the side as high as you can. Keep your right leg slightly bend and the heel off of the ground so that you are standing on the ball of your right foot. Jump and switch legs keeping your abs tight and engaged. Each jump counts as 1 rep. Keep a good pace so that you complete as many reps as possible during each 25 second interval.

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