Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 137- Active Rest Day :)

Meal 1: (6:30 AM - BREAKFAST) 
Flax oat pita
1 cup spinach, sauteed`
1 1/2 cup egg whites
1 tbsp corn and black beans
1 celery
1 laughing cow cheese

Poached egg and cheese English muffins
mmmm :) click the picture for source!

Post workout: (9:30 AM)

Green Coconut Oats
Click the link for directions :)
What you’ll need …
1/4 cup steel cut oats
1 cup water
1 cup raw kale
1/2 cup almond milk
1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 tablespoon peanut butter
1 tablespoon almond milk
Click the link for directions :)
What you’ll need …
  • 1/4 cup steel cut oats
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 cup raw kale
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon almond milk
  • Blueberries
Method . . .

  1. Cook the oats in the water by tossing oats/water into medium saucepan bringing water to a boil, and then lowering heat/cooking for 15 to 20 minutes.
  2. In a blender, blend the kale, 1/2 cup almond milk, applesauce, and maple syrup together.
  3. Bring the heat up to medium-high on the oats. Pour in the green mixture. Add the coconut flakes. Continue cooking until thick.
  4. Serve into a bowl and toss some blueberries on top. Then use a fork to whisk together the peanut butter and 1 tablespoon almond milk. Use as a sauce.

Meal 2: (12:30 AM - LUNCH)
Zuzana Light's Fat Loss Broccoli Salad- here

Meal 3: (3:30 PM)
Butternut squash with almond milk yogurt and a life greens protein pancake
Almond Milk “Banana Yogurt”
  • 4 cups Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
  • 1 tbsp Agar Agar Powder OR 2-3 tbsp Agar Agar Flakes
  • 2 tsp banana cream pudding mix
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • Stevia to Taste

Heat Milk and Agar Agar on the stove, whisking frequently. Bring to a slow boil. Let boil for a couple minutes, then remove from heat. Let it sit for a few minutes, then pour into a heat-safe container and put into the refrigerator. Let it sit for a couple hours until the mixture becomes firm. Transfer into a high speed blender or food processor. At Vanilla Extract and Stevia and blend away. Makes 4 servings.

Meal 4: (6:30 PM - DINNER) 
Cheesy Brussel Sprout Casserole
Ingredients (for two servings):
  • 10 Brussel sprouts, chopped in half
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 cups cooked brown rice(I didn't use rice this time because of the extra carbs in my dinner meal)
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup kidney beans, drained
  • 2 tablespoons Italian herbs in a tube or mix basil, oregano, rosemary, and pepper together
  • 4 asparagus, steamed
  • 1/2 green bell pepper
  • 2 large sticks of celery
  • Salt to taste
  • In a wok, bring 1/2 cup water to boil and add in Brussel sprouts, carrots, celery, and asparagus.  Let steam/stir-fry for 5 minutes.
  • Preheat oven to 375.
  • Combine cooked cheese, kidney beans, herbs, and salt in a large bowl.  Drain Brussel sprouts and carrots and add in.  Mix thoroughly.
  • Pour into greased casserole and bake for 40 minutes or until center sets.
  • Plate and enjoy!
Meal 4: (9:30 PM)
Peanut butter protein shake

Workout Breakdown

Time: 20min. Workout Type: mixed combo workout Exercises: 5
Part 1:
4 minutes of Interval Training
6 rounds of 10 sec and 30 sec intervals 
Backward Lunge & Kick Up 
max. reps during each 30 second interval
Part 2:
Time Challenge 
6 minutes
Sandbag Full Body Exercise 
max. sets
Repeat these two parts one more time 
And have fun :)

This workout is 20 minutes long and it is a mix of interval training and time challenge. There are 2 parts and you will go through them 2 times. It will look like this:
1. 4 minutes of interval training
2. 6 minutes  long time challenge
3. 4 minutes of interval training
4. 6 minutes long time challenge
Part 1 – 4 minutes of interval training:
Set your Interval Timer for 6 rounds of two intervals. The first interval is 10 seconds and the second interval is 30 seconds. Your goal is to complete as many Backward Lunge Kick Ups as possible during each 30 second interval.
Part2 – 6 minutes long time challenge:
Set your timer to count down 6 minutes for you and your goal is to complete as many sets of the Sandbag Full Body Exercise as possible.
Part 1 – 4 minutes of Interval Training (10 seconds/30 seconds x 6 rounds)
Lunge Backwards
Kick Up
Part 2 – Time Challenge (6 minutes) go for max. sets
Stand with the Sandbag by your right leg. Reach down pushing your hips back and keeping your back straight. Grab the Sandbag with both hands.
Mount the Sandbag on your left shoulder. Remember to keep your back straight, abs tight and chest up.
Squat down with the Sandbag on your left shoulder.
Stand up.
Throw the Sandbag down right next to your left leg.
Squat down and put your hands on the ground right underneath your shoulders.
Jump your feet back into a plank. If you can’t jump, you can also step back into the position. Keep your body tight and in one straight line without dropping your hips.
Do a push up.
Jump your feet forward again and repeat the sequence now starting with having the Sandbag by your left leg.