Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bootylicious workout

Today’s workout:
You will be doing 3 rounds of the following routine. 3 minutes and 28 seconds
1. Dive Bomber Push Ups 5 reps
2. Pull Ups 5 slow reps ( I am using my pull up bar from Ultimate Body Press that you just hang on the doorframe)
3. Interval training: 6 rounds of two 20 second intervals (4 minutes total). You will need an interval timer to keep track of the time for you. I am using my Gymboss Interval Timer.
first 20 second interval – Squats
second 20 second interval – Air Chair
You will be going back and forth between these two exercises until the 4 minutes are up. 20 seconds of Squats followed directly by 20 seconds of Air Chair exercise.

Enjoy your workout and see you tomorrow.
Dive Bomber Push Up. Get into plank position and move your feet apart more than shoulder width (picture 1). Push your hips up into downward dog with your back straight and your arms and legs extended (picture 2). Bending your elbows and bringing your chest down to the ground first, slide your body forward (picture 3). As your chest is moving up and your arms are extending, your hips are moving down towards the ground (picture 4). This is one rep. Do 5 reps and move on.
Pull Ups. Grab your pull up bar with your palms facing away from you. Hang onto the bar and pause for a second or two before you pull yourself up. Don’t use any momentum. After you have pulled your body up so that your chin is over the bar, pause again for a second or two and slowly lower yourself into the starting position. Do 5 reps and move on.
Squats. I am using a 16kg kettle bell that Freddy named “Karel” for this exercise, but you can do it with your own bodyweight. Get into squat position keeping your weight on the heels, shins vertical, back straight, chest up and shoulders back and down. Push up off of your heels and stand up. Drive your hips forward at the top of the movement. Repeat as many times as you can during the 20 second interval and than move on directly to the Air Chair.
Air Chair. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart or a little wider and push your hips back and down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. In this position you will be doing a tiny little movement with your hips up and down during the 20 second interval.

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