Friday, September 2, 2011

Rock your body juice workout

1. Low Jumping Jacks
Stand with your feet hip width apart, put your hands on the back of your head and bend your knees. Stay low while doing the Jumping Jacks. Every time you land on the ground with your feet apart counts as one rep. There are 20 reps total.
2. Pike Press
Stand with your feet wide apart and place your hands on the ground in front of you. Your legs, back and arms should be straight. Bend your elbows and bring your head towards the ground. Push back up to the starting position. This counts as one rep. Do 6 reps and move on directly to the next exercise.
3. Mountain Climber
There are 30 reps total. Every time you switch the legs counts as one rep. Keep your arms straight and your abs tight throughout the exercise.
4. Tricep Leg Lifts
Start from the plank position and then bend your elbows keeping them close to your body. Bring your chest as close to the ground as possible. Lift one leg up squeezing your gluts and with a controlled movement bring it down again. Switch the legs. Each leg lift counts as one rep. Complete 10 reps total.
5. Superman
Lay on your belly and lift your legs and arms just an inch off of the floor. Keep you whole body tight. Start lifting one arm and the opposite legs simultaneously and switch the sides for each rep. Do 10 reps and then roll over on your back keeping your arms and legs in the air.
6. Toe Touches
Lift your legs up towards the sky with your feet flexed. Engaged your abs and lift your upper back off of the mat to touch your toes. Every time you touch your toes counts as one rep. Complete 20 reps and move on to the Leg Lifts.
7. Laying Leg Lifts – 10 reps
The most important thing for this exercise is to keep your lower back pressed into your mat at all times. Squeezing your abs and glutes will help you to keep proper form. If you find that it’s hard to keep your lower back pressed into the mat, then don’t lower your legs too far towards the ground. You can also choose an easier variation for this exercise – the laying knee tucks.

After the Leg Lifts, reverse the order of the sequence and move directly to Toe Touches and then move your way exercise by exercise to the Low Jacks. This counts and 1 round. You can take just a short break after each round. Complete 4 rounds and don’t forget to write down your time.

Enjoy your workout,

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