Tuesday, August 30, 2011

600 rep sexier body workout

Today’s Workout:
1. Half Burpees With Calve Raises – 60 reps
2. One Leg Push Up – 60 reps (switching legs)
3. Jump Lunges (all the way down and touch the ground slightly with your back knee) – 60 reps
4. One Leg Dead Lift – 30 reps on each leg
5. Crunches With Leg Extensions – 60 reps
6. Prisoner Squats and Front Kick – 60 reps (switching legs)
7. One Leg Tricep Dip – 60 reps (switching legs)
8. One Leg Jump Knee Up – 30 reps on each leg
9. Chest Lift – 60 reps
10. Over The Chair Kick – 30 reps on each leg
Half Burpees with Calve Raise. Start by standing with your feet about hip width apart, squat down, put your hands on the ground in front of you and jump with your feet back into plank. Your body has to be in one straight line. Contract all of your muscles and don’t drop your hips or arch your back. Jump with your feet back into a squat and as you rise up, extend your arms towards the sky and lift your heels up off of the floor. Repeat this exercise 60 times and then move to the next one.
One Leg Push Up. Get into plank and raise one leg up off of the floor. Bring your chest towards the ground, bending your elbows and keeping your body in a straight line. Push up, switch legs and repeat. Do 60 reps total (each push up counts as one rep) and move directly to the next one. As you can see in the video, I had to eventually start doing these from my knees.
Jump Lunges. Get into a lunge position. The shin of your front leg should be vertical, and your thigh parallel to the ground. Try to keep your back straight and your chest up. Keep the weight on the front heel and touch the ground lightly with your back knee before you jump up. Switch legs as you jump up and land softly on the balls of your feet and get immediately down into a lunge as you land. Repeat this exercise 60 times and move on to the next one.
One Leg Dead Lift. Stand on one leg and bend the knee of the other leg. Find your balance point, and start bending over, pushing your hips back and keeping your back straight. Bend the knee of your standing leg slightly and touch the ground with your hands. You have to keep all of the muscles in your standing leg, abs and core contracted. Do 30 reps on each leg and then move one to the next exercise.
Crunches with Leg Extensions. Lay on your back keeping your legs and your shoulders just a few inches off of the ground. Engage your core muscles and bring your knees and chest together in a jack knife motion. Repeat this exercise 60 times and move on.
Prisoner Squats with Front Kicks. Squat down until your hips are lower than your knees. Your toes are pointing slightly outwards and your knees are tracking your toes. Keep the weight on your heels and your shins vertical. Keep your chest up and your shoulders back and down. Push off of the heels and drive your hips up. Thrust your hips forward as you kick one leg in front of you. When you are kicking the leg up, make sure to raise your knee up first to get your thigh parallel to the ground and then extend your leg pushing through the heel. This exercise should be a fluent motion. Do 60 reps total switching legs after each rep and then move on.
One Leg Tricep Dip. Get into a crab position as shown in the first picture and then raise your leg up bending your elbows. Do 60 reps switching legs after each rep.
One Leg Jump Knee up. Shift your weight on one leg and drive the other leg behind and across the standing leg. Push your hips back until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Push off of the heel of the standing leg and jump driving the back knee up. Do 30 reps on each leg and move one to the next exercise.
Chest Lift. Lay on your belly and clasp your hands behind your head. Squeeze your butt, and as you inhale lift your chest up off of the mat. Bring your chest back down as you exhale. Repeat this exercise 60 times and then move on.
Over The Chair Kick. Stand behind a chair slightly sideways and kick the inside leg up and over the chair. Keep your core muscles tight, chest up and your shoulders back and down. Do 30 reps on each leg.
Congratulations, you have finished this workout. I hope that you wrote down your time so that you can beat your personal best the next time.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bootylicious workout

Today’s workout:
You will be doing 3 rounds of the following routine. 3 minutes and 28 seconds
1. Dive Bomber Push Ups 5 reps
2. Pull Ups 5 slow reps ( I am using my pull up bar from Ultimate Body Press that you just hang on the doorframe)
3. Interval training: 6 rounds of two 20 second intervals (4 minutes total). You will need an interval timer to keep track of the time for you. I am using my Gymboss Interval Timer.
first 20 second interval – Squats
second 20 second interval – Air Chair
You will be going back and forth between these two exercises until the 4 minutes are up. 20 seconds of Squats followed directly by 20 seconds of Air Chair exercise.

Enjoy your workout and see you tomorrow.
Dive Bomber Push Up. Get into plank position and move your feet apart more than shoulder width (picture 1). Push your hips up into downward dog with your back straight and your arms and legs extended (picture 2). Bending your elbows and bringing your chest down to the ground first, slide your body forward (picture 3). As your chest is moving up and your arms are extending, your hips are moving down towards the ground (picture 4). This is one rep. Do 5 reps and move on.
Pull Ups. Grab your pull up bar with your palms facing away from you. Hang onto the bar and pause for a second or two before you pull yourself up. Don’t use any momentum. After you have pulled your body up so that your chin is over the bar, pause again for a second or two and slowly lower yourself into the starting position. Do 5 reps and move on.
Squats. I am using a 16kg kettle bell that Freddy named “Karel” for this exercise, but you can do it with your own bodyweight. Get into squat position keeping your weight on the heels, shins vertical, back straight, chest up and shoulders back and down. Push up off of your heels and stand up. Drive your hips forward at the top of the movement. Repeat as many times as you can during the 20 second interval and than move on directly to the Air Chair.
Air Chair. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart or a little wider and push your hips back and down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. In this position you will be doing a tiny little movement with your hips up and down during the 20 second interval.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Turbo fat blaster (personal best)

Turbo Fat Blaster Workout
Completed in 19 minutes and 40 seconds
1. Plie Jump Squats – 30 reps
Stand with you feel wide apart, squat down and then jump up. Repeat 30 times.
2. Taping Push Ups – 26 reps
Do a push up and then in the plank position tap the opposite shoulder. Do 26 reps total switching arms.
3. Deep Walking Lunges – 30 reps
If you don’t have enough room to do regular walking lunges, then you can do the same thing as I did. Lunge forward and immediately back. Stay low the whole time and do 15 reps on each leg. I counted a rep every time I stepped forward or back.
4. V-ups – 25 reps
Try not to place your legs on the mat through out the exercise. At the top of the movement your body should be in the V position.
5. Get Ups and High Knees – 30 reps
Do 5 high knees and then drop down onto your belly. As soon as you touch the ground with your whole body, get up and repeat.
6. Leg Lifts – 25 reps
Lay on your back and lift your legs until they are vertical to the floor. Keep your lower back pressed into the mat the entire time.
7. Mountain Climbers – 60 reps
Your foot doesn’t touch the ground as you bring your knee towards your chest. Do 60 reps total.
8. Tricep Dips – 25 reps
9. Skaters Jump Lunges – 30 reps
Try not to touch the floor behind you when you go into the Skaters Lunge position.
10. Knee Assisted One Arm Push Ups – 26 reps
You can switch your arms after each rep to decrease the challenge and do 26 reps total.