Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bang Bang Workout

Bang Bang Workout

What you need for this workout is your Gymboss Interval Timer ,exercise mat, and your exercise log where you can write down the reps. There are 6 exercises in this workout and I went over the proper form and easier variations of those exercises for beginners in the workout tutorial video.
High Knees
4 minutes of high intensity interval training. 8 rounds and two intervals of 10 seconds and 20 seconds. Do as many reps as you can during the 20 second intervals.
80, 78, 80, 70, 80, 80, 80, 70
Leg Lift, Star Crunch and Butt Lift
Complete 30 reps.
Low Jack
4 minutes of high intensity interval training. Set your timer for 8 rounds of 2 intervals of 10 seconds and 20 seconds. Complete as many reps as you can during the 20 second interval and write your reps down.
40, 35, 40, 43, 43, 42, 45
Side Plank Lift
25 reps on each side
4 minutes of high intensity interval training. Set your timer again for 8 rounds of two intervals of 10 seconds and 20 seconds. Push for maximum reps in each of the 20 second interval.
60, 60, 60, 63, 63, 65, 60
One Leg Bridge, Leg Lift, Toe Touch
25 reps on each leg

Friday, January 27, 2012


5 Man Makers
20 Low Burpee-Hops
10 Twisted Push Ups
25 Competition Sit Ups

Time Completed: 13 minutes and 15 seconds

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 2 Week 3 of The 30 Day Challenge – Hot Right Now Workout

Set Your interval timer to 10/30. You will complete the following exercises as fast as you can performing as many reps as possible within the 30 seconds with a 10 second rest period. This looks easy ?  if you go all out and push to your maximum, you will defiantly feel the burn :)).
The amazing thing about Bodyrocking is that even if you are away, or don’t have an interval timer, these circuits can be performed by reps e.g, 10 reps of the exercise + 50 skips etc… that’s what body rocking is all about, because its so flexible, it can be adapted to suit your lifestyle and your home life – so there is never an excuse to miss your favourite workouts – Get mixing it up & seeing the results so many people have already achieved in only a few weeks with us !!.
Workout Breakdown: *Added 5 lb ankle weights
1 Push-up + Burpee + Tuck Jump
*High Knees Skip
Switch Lunge (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
Press up with Spider Knee (Modification with the Dip Station or Equalizer & Stability Ball for feet)
*High Knees Skip
High Knees x 10 + Mountain Climbers x 10
*High Knees Skip
Side Burpee & Oblique Abs
*High Knees Skip
Push-up + Side Plank Twist + Oblique Drop (Using the Indian Clubs for extra Resistance)
*High Knees Skip
V Abs Left (Using the Indian Clubs for extra Resistance)
*High Knees Skip
V Abs Right (Using the Indian Clubs for extra Resistance)
*High Knees Skip
Hug Knees + Star Jack (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
Single Toe Touch Abs (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
Squat Jump (Modification using the Pink Sandbag)
*High Knees Skip
1/2 Burpee + 1 Push-up
*High Knees Skip
Your next workout will be posted on the site everyday to follow along with advice on diet & supplements to support your training. We will be posting pictures of some of our meals on our Facebook pages to give you guys a running idea about what we are eating a long with other tips and little pep talks so please “like” BodyRock.Tv on Facebook here to keep up with the diet portion of the 30 day challenge!
*The 30 Day Programme – click here for a downloadable version of the schedule.
Want to be part of the community ? Here are our pages so you can connect with us personally & share your food, get constant tips and tricks on ways to keep motivated and stay focused :
Lisa-Marie’s page: click here
Sean’s page: click here
Freddy’s page: click here
Make sure and connect with us and leave us your questions, comments and suggestions, we reply as soon as we can :).
Enjoy your workout!!!
Freddy, Sean & Lisa-Marie


Set your interval timer for 20/2.00  Interval Timer and post your scores.
Here are the exercises for my workout:
Equalizer Press and Dip (new BodyRocker Equipment that we will be using)
21′s –  Wide Push Up, Close Grip Push Up, Star or Diamond Push up
Chest Press off of the Balance Ball using the Sandbag