Friday, April 29, 2011

ABS NOW workout

6:30 am: 6 egg whites with mushrooms and onions grilled in balsamic vinegar, 1/2c oats with 1/4c berries
10:00 am: Two rice cakes with 2 tablespoon of hummus and zucchini, 1 scoop of protein
1:00 pm: One Jennie-o turkey burger with 1 cup broccoli plus 1 whole carrot and a 1/2 cup rice
4:00 pm: Corn tortilla with grilled onions, bell peppers, black beans, and four ounces of turkey
7:00 pm: Four ounces of fish, 1 oz of avocado, 1 cup of squash with tomatoes and herbs (salt, oregano, basil, parsley, garlic, pepper, cayenne pepper
9:30 pm: 1/2 cup of cottage cheese with 5 blueberries, 5 almonds, and 4 cashews and a few peanuts

Completed in 22 minutes and 35 seconds
  • Lunge Back & Press Up -50 reps
  • Super Girl Plank -50 reps
  • Sumo Squat -50 reps
  • Reptile Plank -50 reps
  • Jump Lunge -50 reps
  • Santana Plank -50 reps
  • Jump Forward and 2 jumps back -50 reps
  • Mini Squats -50 reps
Today’s workout is a time challenge which means that your goal is to complete this routine as fast as possible. There are 8 exercises and you will do 50 reps for each one of them. Make sure that you are doing each exercise right and not sacrifising your form. I completed this workout in 19 minutes and 45 seconds. Freddy did it in 22 minutes and 2 seconds.

1. Lunge Back & Press Up – 50 reps
(each time you lunge back counts as 1 rep)
Grab the handles of your Sandbag the way you see it on the pictures and lunge back while pressing the Sandbag above your head. Make sure to keep your back straight and chest up – don’t lean forward or sideways. Alternate legs for each rep.

2. Super Girl Plank – 50 reps
(each time you lift your leg and arm up counts as 1 rep)
Start in a plank position with your hands below your shoulders and your body in one straight line. Lift your left arm and your right leg like I did on the picture above. This is one rep. Alternate sides for each rep.

3. Sumo Squats – 50 reps
Grab the Sandbag by the handles and bring it up on to your upper back. Your feet should be wide appart with your knees and toes pointing slightly outwards. Push your hips back when you squat down and keep your back straight. Think about keeping your abs tight as well.

4. Reptile Plank – 50 reps
Each time you bring your knee towards your elbow counts as 1 rep.
Start in a plank position and then bring your left knee towards your left elbow bending slightly in your waist just like you can see it on the picture above. Alternate legs for each rep.

5. Jump Lunges – 50 reps
Each jump counts as 1 rep.
Start in a lunge position and switch legs as you jump up. Remember to keep your abs tight, chest up and back straight. Don’t lean forward or sideways.

 6. Santana Plank – 50 reps
Each time you rotate your body and lift your arm up counts as 1 rep.
Start again in a plank position and then rotate your body into a side plank and lift your arm up. Make sure not to drop your hips. Return into the starting position and alternate sides.

7. One Jump Forward Two Jumps Back – 50 reps
The starting position is with your knees slightly bend and your feet about shoulder width apart. From this position make a long jump forward and then 2 smaller jumps back. This counts as 1 rep and you have to complete 50 reps.

8. Mini Squats Burn Out – 50 reps
Bring your Sandbag up on to your upper back and get into a half squat position with your feet hip width apart. Your knees and toes should be pointing slightly outwards. Keep this position and do only short pulses up and down with your butt – 50 mini squats.

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