Monday, December 12, 2011

Rock It Out

This workout is made up of 4 exercises – One Leg Jump Touch Down (10 reps on each leg), One Arm Push Ups (5 reps on each arm), Mountain Climber Kick Ups ( 20 reps total), Maltese Sit Ups ( 20 reps total). I used my Gymboss Interval Timer to keep track of my time.
Repeat this sequence 4 times and keep track of your time. Try to keep moving through the workout without taking any long breaks.

Complete: 20 minutes and 8 seconds
One Leg Jump Touch Down
Stand on one leg and bend forward to touch the ground with both hands. The standing leg is bent, your chest is up, back straight. Extend the one leg behind you across the standing leg and try to keep it in the air without touching the ground.

Push off of the standing leg, drive your knee up and jump. This counts as one rep. Complete 10 reps on each leg.

One Arm Push Ups
Kneel down on your mat and place your hands on the floor in front of you and underneath your shoulders. You can have your knees together or bring them wide apart. Find a comfortable position that will allow you to perform this exercise. Bring one arm behind your back or place it on your thigh. Inhale and try to bring your chest towards the ground – then push up. Switch your arms and do the same thing on the other side. Complete 10 reps total  (5 on each arm).
Mountain Climber Kick Up
Get into a lunge position and put your hands on the ground in front of you.
Jump up keeping your hands on the ground and switch legs.

Stand up on the front leg and kick the back leg forward and up. Reach with your opposite arm towards your toes. Don’t round your back – keep your chest up and don’t shrug your shoulders. Your abs should be tight. This counts as 1 rep. Repeat for the total of 20 reps alternating sides.
Maltese Sit Ups
Lay on your back with your legs wid apart and your arms extended above your head.

Sit up, reach with your hands towards the sky and straighten your spine.

Bend forward towards one leg and then lay down on your back.

Bring your feet together, keeping your knees wide apart and bring your legs up. Lift your hips off of the ground with your feet pointing towards the sky. Bring your  hips and legs down again to get into the starting position. Complete 20 reps total alternating sides.

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