Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pound Melting Workout (personal best)

Set your interval timer for 12 rounds of two intervals. The first interval is 10 seconds (rest) and the second interval is 50 seconds (max. effort). You will go through the circuit of the following exercises twice and your goal is to complete as many reps as you can for each exercise.
1. Reptile Toe Touch Push Up
2. Sandbag Side Lunge Knee Up (right leg)
3. Sandbag Side Lunge Knee Up (left leg)
4. Crab Fighter (right leg)
5. Crab Fighter (left leg)
6. Sandbag Squat
Reptile Toe Touch Push Up
Start in a plank position. Touch your right toes with your left hand by tucking your right knee in diagonally and across your body.
Tip: If you have difficulties touching your toes, then slow down and focus on proper form and execution of this exercise. If you can’t touch your toes due to lack of flexibility or strength, then do your best reaching towards your toes.
After you touch your toes, extend the leg and then bring the right knee towards your right elbow while bending your elbows and lowering your body towards the ground. Push up and return into the plank.
Tip: Freddy got some great shot of this exercise in the video so make sure to watch it to see it in motion.
This is a new exercise for me and I love it – it brings a new challenge to the already intense Reptile Push Up. I did 11 reps in the first round and 10 reps in the second round.
Sandbag Side Lunge Knee Up (left leg, right leg)
Bring the Sandbag onto your right shoulder and lunge sideways with your right leg. Bring your knee up as your push your hips forward.
This exercise was super hard because of the weight of my Sandbag (about 35 lbs) and these were my reps:
right leg – 17, 13 reps
left leg – 17, 13 reps
Crab Fighter
Start in the Crab position with your right leg up and extended. Turn your body over towards the right side and kick your right leg up.
This exercise is also new and it’s a mix of bunch of exercises that we have been already doing in our workouts. It’s an amazing core exercise especially if you put a lot of energy into it and push for max. reps.
My reps were:
right leg – 11, 12
left leg – 11, 11
Sandbag Squat
Grab the Sandbag by it’s handles and bring it up to hold it in front of your chest. Your feet should be little bit wider than shoulder width appart, and your knees and feet pointing slightly outwards. Push your hips back as you squat down and try to keep your shins as vertical as possible shifting the weight towards your heels. Bring your butt below your knees and then push off of the heels and rise up.

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