Monday, October 24, 2011

One Leg Squat Exercise Challenge

Workout Breakdown

Time: ?min.Workout Type: exercise challengeExercises: 1
  • ONE LEG SQUAT5 sets of 5 reps on each leg

Time completed in 10 minutes and 15 seconds

Your goal for today is to complete 5 sets of 5 One Leg Squats on each leg. It doesn’t matter how much time you take in between each set. You can spread the 5 sets through the entire day and do one set for each leg at the time. It is not a time challenge so do not race to get it done as fast as possible. Focus on proper form instead.
Stand on one leg and extend the other leg in front of you. Extend your arms in front of you as well for balance, keep your chest up, core tight and shoulders back and down. In order to avoid leaning towards one side, you have to focus on keeping all of the muscles of the standing leg super tight.
Push your hips back and bring your butt towards the ground. Try to keep your chest up and the weight should be mostly on the heel of the standing leg. Do not relax your ab muscles. You have to keep them tight throughout the exercise. Push off of the heel squeezing every muscle on that leg and drive your hips up. Squeeze your butt at the top of the movement as you drive your hips forward.
Easier Variations for Beginners
Use a chair for support.
Hold on to a chair and get as deep into the squat as your flexibility and strength allows you.
This is the easiest variation. Start by sitting on a chair, extend one leg and arms in front of you and stand up on one leg. Try to sit down on the chair standing on one leg.

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